Additional Services

  • Whether you just bought a new boat and want to become more familiar with its handling or you are preparing for a long passage, JP can help you get more confident and ready.

    If you already know your boat well, you might benefit from the experience of a seasoned sailor. JP will show you tricks that you might not know which will help you to sail more efficiently. This will increase your level of confidence and the fun you will have on the water.

    Lessons can be given on your own boat or on our Jeanneau 45 “Aujourd’hui”.

     Single- $100 per hour, minimum of three hours.

     Double- $150 per hour, minimum three hours

     Group- $200 per hour, up to four people, minimum three hours

  • Buying a sailboat is a big decision.

    Having owned eight sailboats (seven over forty feet), JP can say that “he has made all the mistakes” so he might be able to help you avoid making the same!

    The standard joke is that “the happiest day in a boat owners’ life is the day he buys his boat, and the second happiest day is the day he sells it”. This does not have to be the case. The secret is to buy the right boat...

    The right boat is the boat that best fulfills its intended purpose and fits what you intend to do with it. JP will help you make these choices and since he is not affiliated with any broker or boat builder, his advice will be both insightful and unbiased with only the buyer in mind.

     $100 per hour

  • If you have dreams of sailing over the horizon on your boat, JP can help you prepare for it whether you want to go to Bermuda, across the Atlantic or around the world. Offshore sailing requires meticulous preparation and is the key to any safe passage. It is impossible to prepare for every eventuality and the list of potential issues can be overwhelming, so you need to focus on the most obvious and have a clear plan for it.

    A few points to consider:

     Best type of sails to carry & how to reef efficiently

     Jack Lines and Harness

     Crew Comfort

     Watch System

     Communication

     Jury Rigging

     Emergency Hull Repair

     Back up Steering

     Bilge Systems

     Power Generation

     Medical Emergencies

    A successful passage can be one of the most rewarding events of your life. The important part is the preparation you do on shore. Using the advice of an experienced sailor will greatly improve the odds of a safe and enjoyable trip.

     $100 per hour

  • Short distances

    Around Narragansett Bay, you might want to have your boat moved from one marina to another or brought to a boat yard for service. JP knows every facility and he can help you choose the right one for your needs.

    Medium distances

    If you would like your boat to be brought to a specific location like Newport, Block Island, Nantucket, or anywhere in Rhode Island or Southern Massachusetts, JP can bring it there for you, so that you can just step aboard and enjoy.

     Half day $500

     Full day $800

    Long distances

    You may wish to bring your boat to Florida, the Bahamas or the Caribbean for the winter but do not have the time or the experience. JP can deliver your boat or you can come along if you desire. In any case you can have the peace of mind that your boat will be delivered safely to the destination of your choice.

     $3 per mile or $600 per day

  • You might feel at the beginning of the season that you could use a refresher course. JP will help you get your sailing confidence back, and review with you the systems on your boat to see what items may need attention or care.

    $100 per hour

  • Maybe you would like to do a bareboat charter. You know how to sail, but this new experience might be beyond your current level of expertise. JP will help you build your confidence in doing all the maneuvers that you might expect to encounter such as docking, anchoring, reefing etc...

    $100 per hour

  • If you are getting into a bigger boat, you might feel a bit overwhelmed at first. On a larger boat you need to anticipate more because the momentum and the consequences of inexperience can be much more consequential. JP will help you hone the skills needed to operate your new boat safely.